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#FixItFriday: 5 Goal-Oriented Ways to Wrap Up Your Work Week
January 10 All day
Every experienced business owner knows how easily small tasks can pile up and become overwhelming. So, The MTM Network by The MTM Institute has introduced “Fix It Fridays”—a dedicated time to organize, file, and complete those mindful management tasks that often get pushed aside during the week.
As each work week comes to a close, we like to end on a productive but peaceful note. This week, we’ve focused on five goal-oriented strategies to help you wrap up any week efficiently while setting yourself up for success in the week to come.
1. Outline Next Week
If you like to plan ahead or just aren’t a fan of surprises during your business day, outlining the upcoming week is a great way to minimize distractions. By setting goals weekly, you can plan further out, allowing for more strategic planning and efficient use of your time.
2. File, Scan, and Shred Documentation
If you prefer a quiet end to your week, consider dedicating an hour or two to organizing your paperwork and digital files. Throw on your favorite band or podcast and lose yourself in something simple but productive.
You’ll thank yourself every tax season.
3. Update Your Budgets and Bookkeeping
Setting small work windows, breaking up financial tasks, and mentally preparing make any project more manageable. Ending the week with these tasks can be easier for some because we know a break is coming. Consider blocking time at the end of the week to keep them from piling up.
4. Engage on Social Media
Odds are you’re already using social media, so why not batch your efforts to end the week? Dedicating an hour or more to a single platform, campaign, or hashtag makes more room for strategic planning. Committing that time weekly helps build lasting relationships around that focus.
5. Tie Up Loose Ends
One of the most productive ways to end any week is to block time for surprises, things we never get to, and things we never finish. Whether it’s updating leads, going through mail, or something different each week, blocking time for “whatever” makes room for surprises.
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Follow us @theMTMInstitute for more #FridayFixIt Tips. Then tell us how you like to wrap up your week in the comments.
About The MTM Network by The MTM Institute
We grow local economies by bringing business owners together for strategic collaboration. All are welcome to come, connect and collaborate locally and online. To remain accessible, we are a free business network hosted by The MTM Institute, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization registered with the Internal Revenue Service.
The MTM Institute strives to empower vulnerable communities, including low-earners, veterans, and survivors of violence and abuse. Our mission is to create safe and accessible spaces for the growth of local economies.
Fueled completely by the generosity of MTM Network volunteers and donors, we support new and growing entrepreneurs, artists, and organizers with educational programs, business services, and inspiration. Our educational programs teach mindful business management through executive leadership, time management, and money management mentorship.
Connect with us at https://mtminstitute.org/joinfree.