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Goals Workshop w/ Lisa Heintzelman: Start with WHY to Drive SUCCESS!

June 22, 2022 @ 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM EDT


Reignite your 2022 passion and motivation in this workshop to strategically achieve your business goals.

We’ll explore success strategies to brainstorm your WHY through interactive discussion and activities. Then we’ll examine what SUCCESS means to you. By the end we’ll:

• Identify our business goals for next month
• Understand how our purpose drives success
• Invest time and energy in activities to achieve the results YOU desire!

Don’t miss this interactive #MTMNgoals meetup on Zoom. Wednesday, June 22 (and every fourth Wednesday) from 6:00-7:30 PM.

Registration is always free. The link is below.


Lisa Heintzelman is the President of Illuminations Consulting, founded in April 2000. She is an expert facilitator with a focus on achieving success through lifelong learning and continuous quality improvement.

After graduating on the Dean’s list from Harrisburg Area Community College in Early Childhood Education, Cum Laude from Elizabethtown College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Lisa obtained her Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Temple University.

In 1999 Lisa was named Sallie Mae’s First Class Teacher of the Year for the state of Pennsylvania. She has been on the adjunct faculty of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Elizabethtown College, Harrisburg Area Community College, and Penn State University.

Today, Lisa celebrates her passion of being a business success consultant with a focus on efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity, while coaching individuals and teams by facilitating workshops and success processes to ultimately Optimize Your SUCCESS!

The Journey . . . “Success is a journey, not a destination.” My journey started at the age of two when I told my mom, “I will do it mine own self!”
I am inspired to pursue my passion for lifelong learning and live my vision to “talk-the-talk and walk-the-walk” while maximizing individual, team, and organizational potential as a business coach.
Because “Applied Knowledge IS Power!”, we must bridge the gap between education, workforce, business, and entrepreneurship. The Illuminations Consulting Success Processes provide opportunities for individuals, teams, and business owners to apply knowledge and sustain success.

I would not be where I am today without having the opportunity to learn from leaders and mentors who continually inspire and challenge me. Thank you!
How are you investing your time and energy in activities to achieve the results YOU desire? Work Smart . . . Achieve Results . . . Celebrate Often!

Spread The Word!


June 22, 2022
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM EDT


The MTM Institute


Zoom with Uprising

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